Oct 22, 2020SEO Team0 comments

We have exciting news coming out of the test kitchen for our gluten-free friends, today.  We have simplified our cauliflower pizza dough recipe-mic drop!  We’ve made it so simple, that this cauliflower dough is almost too easy to make.  

The most challenging step in making cauliflower pizza dough, has always been squeezing the excess water out of the microwaved cauliflower.  But guess what?  We decided to skip the “water squeezing step” entirely and it made absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the texture of the cooked dough.  Zero, nada, not one. 

And you know what?  The unmicrowaved, unsqueezed cauliflower crust, actually tasted better after the bake.  Why? Because, when you squeeze all that water out of the vegetable, the flavor becomes a lot more concentrated-think crust that tastes like cauliflower on steroids! The water retaining cauliflower makes a dough that would make believers out of even the most-veggie resistant among the bunch!  

The only difference this makes in the test kitchen is the egg on our face for not discovering this time-saver before publishing our recent book, Baking with Steel.  But, now that you know, you can skip the extra step.  You can email and thank him.  This was his brainchild... 

So celebrate National Pizza Day every day, with this easy to make, deliciously gluten-free treat! 



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