Bread Making 101

Today we're diving into the magical world of bread-making. We're making some absolutely irresistible ciabatta bread. Now, don't get me wrong, pizza's still our jam, but today, it's all about this glorious loaf of goodness. 

Let's talk about dough. We're using our pizza dough recipe, and it's all about precision. Grab that digital scale, 'cause we're measuring in grams. It's the secret sauce. Dump in 500 grams of flour and 16 grams of sea salt to keep that flavor game strong. 

Now it’s mixing time. This isn't rocket science, just some good old dough. And don't stress about the measurements, we're going with the flow here. Active dry yeast, about a gram—no need for a micro scale. If it’s a little heavy? It’s not a big deal. We're rebels in the kitchen. 

Time for that pure, clean, reverse osmosis water. None of that tap nonsense. Pour in 350 grams. Whisk, shake, and watch the water mingle with the flour. 

Now, for the next step, get those hands in. Press it, fold it, work it. We're forming a dough masterpiece here. Use smooth moves for a smooth dough. Cover it up, and now we wait. Let that dough sleep at room temperature for 24 hours. 

Once the dough’s rested, it’s time to make some magic. Grab a chunk, about 300 grams of dough. Let's shape it up. Fold, press, turn. We're bread sculpting, and we're artists. Once we're done, let the bread take another little nap for three to four hours.

After another rest, our dough's proofed and ready to roll. A little shaping, a little pressing, and we're ready to divide and conquer. We're making four gorgeous dough pieces. Sprinkle on some flour, and it’s ready for the bake. My oven's preheated and the steel's sizzling. Gently launch those dough delights onto the baking steel. 

Set a timer and start cleaning up your kitchen. Remember to peek and rotate, because perfection takes time. Once it’s ready, the bread will look like a dream. Fluffy, aromatic, and oh-so-tempting. 

Now comes the moment of truth. Slicing into that beautiful loaf reveals a masterpiece of holes and texture. This, my friends, is art you can eat. Sandwiches, dunking in olive oil, or just savoring the flavor—it's a culinary adventure. 

And that's how the bread crumbles! Remember that making bread isn't just a skill, it's an experience. Stay hungry, stay curious, and keep rockin' those aprons!